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February 2024 PlaceOS Product Updates

Added Secure S3 Uploads, enhanced MapBox and MapsPeople integration, and new Work Locations feature, Improved visitor booking

  • Secure S3 Uploads/Private Buckets now supported for file upload and fetch on all modals including sensors interface.
  • S3 secret no longer returned in Storage Config.
  • Added display to show cancelled desk bookings in Concierge.
  • Improved MapBox integration ability to locate building by setting GPS Coordinates of building on the Building Zone, else will default to users current location.
  • MapsPeople integration now supported in all modals on all interfaces, noting modified configuration required:
"maps_people": {
        "keys": {
            "mapbox": "pk.xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx",
            "mapsindoors": "xxxxxxxxxx"
        "use_zones": [
  • Customise visitor checkin kiosk post-checkin messaging.
  • Added Work Locations feature allowing employees to set intended working locations:

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